Frequently Asked Questions
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Why does every product say 'Sold Out'?
This could be one of two reasons. We either-
1. We have reached our maximum delivery capacity.
2. We are not offering porch deliveries at this time.
Why don't you have porch deliveries all of the time?
We wish we could! Our focus is weddings and large events. We offer porch deliveries a few times a year during our off-season.
Can I schedule a delivery time?
Due to the large number of orders we receive, we cannot accommodate delivery requests at this time. We recommend using a delivery address that is not time sensitive. Locations such as schools and offices are not ideal due to their restricted hours of operation.
Will my arrangement look like the picture?
No and we prefer it that way! The pictures serve as a reference for style and size. Rest assured that we only use the highest quality blooms designed in our signature style.
Can I make flower substitution requests?
In our commitment to delivering the finest floral experiences, we maintain the integrity of our artistic designs and do not accommodate flower substitution requests.
How do I care for my arrangement?
To keep your flowers looking their best, we recommend placing it indoors away from direct sunlight. Remember to check the water level daily, ensuring your blooms stay fresh and vibrant for longer.